Sunday, 7 April 2013

Oracle Architecture


Oracle architecture -let's discuss about basics of oracle architecture
                                 Oracle architecture divides into mainly 3 parts
Components of Memory : SGA - It contains -1. Shared pool
                                                                         2.Database buffer cache
                                                                         3.Redolog buffer cache
                                                                         4.Java pool
                                                                         5.Large pool
                                                                         6.Stream pool 
Background Process :  It contains                   1.SMON
Storage: There are tow types of storages physical and logical
               Physical Storage :Contains Control file,Data file & Redo file
               Logical Storage : Contains Table spaces and data files.


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

RMAN Utility in Oracle

RMAN backup is another ways to take backup of oracle database. It is easiest
way to take oracle database backup. We can also recover Oracle database through
RMAN backup utility.RMAN backup is utility that Oracle database has by default
in it.Mostly RMAN backup utility in Oracle used for backup  & recovery purpose
rather than to do it by command.Oracle RMAN utility suggest you which file or data
you need  to backup while while taking backup of Oracle database.   

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

We are Best Oracle, PLSQL Database, SQL Training Institutes & Trainers

We are Best Oracle, PLSQL Database, SQL Training Institutes & Trainers in Pune, founded in 2001 by experienced, senior professionals & Expert trainers.
We provide a best training in Oracle,Oracle DBA, PLSQL database,SQL & Oracle Apps programs for our trainees & also provide a strong placement focuses on the Oracle DBA, PLSQL database,SQL & Oracle Apps programs for our clients. We believe in adding value to our clients.